Reach more homeowners.
Grow your business.

Get more qualified leads and close more jobs with less hassle.

We generate more than 8,000 exclusive home remodeling leads each month for contractors just like you.

Additional Trades Available

Restoration Leads
Kitchen Remodel Leads
Bathroom Remodel Leads
Painting Leads
Flooring Leads
Shutters/Blinds Leads
Windows/Doors Leads
Carpet Cleaning Leads
Room Addition Leads
Backyard Remodel Leads
Plumbing/Rooter Leads
Fences & Gates Leads

How it Works

Our process is very simple! You tell us what trade you would like to get leads for, our in-house designers create your highly-converting ad, we print it in our magazine that is sent to over +2 million pre-selected households, and your phone starts ringing.

Our magazine is delivered straight to a homeowners' inbox
With our limited competition, they check out your ad
You get an exclusive phone call lead from a qualified homeowner!
Limited Time - Get 25% OFF!
Enjoy our biggest discount yet and start getting
quality leads you actually want.

Get Quality Leads That Convert

Tired of home advisors and lists that just don't convert? We get you... Online leads can be expensive & tricky, a large portion of them are unqualified or just shared with too many fellow contractors.

Limited Competition

Each zone only allows a limited number of advertisers in the same trade. This makes the choice easier for the homeowner and really makes you stand out.

8k+ leads each month

With 14 years of experience, we know how to make the phone ring. That's why most of our clients stick with us for years while they grow their business.

Dedicated Success Manager

When you join us you get your own team of designers and a dedicated manager that will oversee your success. Our goal is to keep you with us for years to come.

Track Your Success

You'll get a local or toll-free tracking number for your ad at no additional cost and 24/7 access to your leads. Lower your cost per lead while knowing what converted.

Our target audience is completely different. We cherry-pick our homeowners before we mail it so we can verify their household income and occupancy. More importantly, our leads are exclusive and go only to you, so you can focus on growing your biz.

We have had a great deal of experience working with The Home Improvement Guide from the day we started with them, which was over 2 years ago. The quality of their ads is great, the dedication of their team has exceeded all of our expectations, and they continue to keep delivering on all of their promises. I would highly recommend this magazine to anyone looking to make a serious improvement in their growth and increase their amount of incoming business calls.

Mychael Margott

Kitchen & Bath Leads

I started advertising in The Home Improvement Guide when I was first starting my business. I keep reminding the guys how they said we were going to grow together, and so we did and still are!

Rafi Zohar

Room Addition Leads

We at Asi Electric have been working with The Home Imporvement Guide magazine for many years. In past years, we have tried many different advertisement tools. I can firmly state that The Home Improvement Guide magazine is the most effective tool we have found

Avi Y.

Electrician Leads

When The Home Improvement Guide is out to the homes, we can feel it immediately in the office; the phone never stops ringing. In the past three years that we have been working together, we are constantly increasing our advertising with them as more zones are opening up.

Frank Matthews

Windows/Doors Leads

I tried every online lead source and I have to say that the Home Improvement Guide and Yelp are the only ones that consistently deliver quality leads. They def exceeded my expectations.

Matt R.

Backyard Remodeling Leads

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home improvement business today

Start by choosing your trade below

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